The Advanced Mobile Dashcam is a React Native application meant to run on android devices and work as a stand in for dashcams. The application makes use of Firebase, and a multitude of 3rd party APIs.
Use the package manager node to install the dependencies.
npm install
To start the application, use expo and an android or ios device/simulator.
expo start
The application makes use of the following expo plugins. To ensure the app works properly, use the installation command as soon as you clone the repository.
npx expo install expo-camera
npx expo install expo-device
npx expo install expo-file-system
npx expo install expo-location
npx expo install expo-media-library
npx expo install expo-sharing
npx expo install expo-asset
npx expo install @react-native-async-storage/async-storage
npx expo install expo-av
npx expo install react-native-maps
Android and IOS emulation will not work with the following packages.
npx expo install expo-camera
With the use of Camera, one can also take photos and record videos that are then saved to the app's cache. Morever, the component is also capable of detecting faces and bar codes appearing in the preview.
Pull requests will not be accepted at this time. The application is currently in development, with the first alpha release deploying in late October.