is a Julia package providing a framework for solving several variations of the sparse optimization problem:
The package is a Julia port of a similar Matlab asp
- Basis Pursuit Denoising
- Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
- Homotopy Basis Pursuit Denoising
The package can be installed as follows:
julia> ] add ActiveSetPursuit
The asp_bpdn
function within the ActiveSetPursuit
package efficiently solves the basis pursuit denoising problem.
Ensure that the following inputs are defined before running the asp_bpdn
: The matrix or linear operator, sizem
: The vector of observations or measurements, sizem
: A nonnegative scalar that serves as the regularization parameter.
To solve the basis pursuit denoising problem, execute the following command in Julia:
N, M = 1000, 300
A = randn(N, M)
xref = zeros(M)
xref[randperm(M)[1:20]] = randn(20) # 20 non-zero entries
b = A * xref
const λin = 0.0
tracer = asp_bpdn(A, b, λin, traceFlag = true)
After the optimization process completes, if traceFlag
was set to true, the solution vector and the regularization parameter at any iteration itn
can be accessed as follows:
xx, λ = tracer[itn]
To extract the final iterate:
x_final, λ_final = tracer[end]
Michael Friedlander and Michael Saunders. A dual active-set quadratic programming method for finding sparse least-squares solutions, DRAFT Technical Report, Dept of Computer Science, University of British Columbia, July 30, 2012; updated April 13, 2019. [PDF]