This repository is based on python scripts for compute and promptly analyse COVID cases data.
For now, you can only clone the repository and enjoy its features.
$ git clone
The module 'italy_coviddata_curvefit', by mean of pandas and the class CovidCurveFit is able to manage statistics and predictions on user-defined label from italy-official database from github.
Like for provinces, this module shows daily updates of italian regions. Once again there is a class to instance for each region. Same story already told. The official source is again the pcm-dpc github profile here
This module elaborates the data of italian provinces. You can instance a CovidItalyProvince object to print/plot/save relevant values for a chosen italian-province (included daily-cases!). Once again the data are retrieved from official pcm-dpc github profile here.
This module searches on google-news feeds about the desired city. Will it manage to prompt, among the rest of locals facts, the correct number of positive cases?
A flash rapid-API will give you brief data on covid-19 for the desired foreign coutry.
Parser of vaccines data from open repository of italia/covid19-opendata-vaccini
@italycoviddataBot the telegram-bot ᴛʀʏ ɪᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ
Very intuitive commands allow you to use the above mentioned modules directly on telegram. Have a look at @italycoviddataBot.
- Dipartimento della Protezione Civile for the repository with open data on Covid19
- Governo Italiano website for the content on the current color-status of italian regions
- italia/covid19-opendata-vaccini for maintaining the repository with open data on vaccines for italian regions and provinces
- RapidAPI/Gramzivi for the freemium and powerful API for world Covid19-data
- Iceloof for the GoogleNews scraper, used for city data
This repository is licensed under GNU (c) 2019 GitHub, Inc.