a module implemented in Matlab Psychtoolbox for interacting with a touchscreen
PsychtoolboxTouch : a home-made Psychtoolbox distribution (by Gilles Rautureau) including
: a listener-function to record touch presses on the screen between 2 calls of the function
: equivalent of KbReleaseWait but for touchscreeen -
: a low-level demo script to evaluate GetMouseTransient resolution & timing reactivity -
: a interactive demo script to evaluate GetMouseTransient resolution & timing reactivity while a Psychtoolbox window open -
touchscreen_windows_config : a short documentation to illustrate windows configuration for complete control of the touchscreen under psychtoolbox
- This is a private module, please do not distribute without noticing the developper.
- We do not guarantee any functionality from this code, make sure it works properly before any serious deployment.
- Nicolas Borderies, Gilles Rautureau
- March 2018