NetProLogo extension:
Load the file Traffic Intersection.nlogo
in NetLogo.
It should pick up the Prolog file declared at the beginning.
The current version uses
The rules are automatically translated (using
) from Logical English. A working version is always contained in
, and should not be modified manually.
The glue for Netlogo is contained in
, and mostly deals with data translation and logging functions.
Run a docker image to compile the LE code and return errors if any.
Build the image via:
docker build -f Syntax.dockerfile -t avsyntax .
PWD is the current directory.
docker run --volume ${PWD}:/app avsyntax
Build an image with the dockerfile to run NetLogo. Can be used redirecting output to the display, or headless, by running the following command:
docker run -it --volume .:/app netlogo /opt/netlogo/ --model /app/Traffic\ Intersection.nlogo --experiment default --table /app/output.csv
output.csv will contain the log of the simulation (default 1000 ticks), with the last two elements being the number of accidents and violations.