This application fulfills the users drinking needs. It allows the user to search for breweries by town/city, state as well as look up cocktail recipes by ingredients they have on hand.
On load of the initial page, the user is prompted for a date of birth. If the user's birthday indicates that they are underage, they are not permitted forward and are shown a humorous meme. If the user's birthday indicates that they are over 21 years old, they are directed to select whether they are thirsty for beer or cocktails.
On the Brewery page, the user inputs a city and state which will display a map with breweries pinned and a table of breweries with links to websites, phone numbers, and address.
On the Cocktail/Liquor page, the user inputs a drink ingredient and images are displayed with the corresponding drink's name. The user may click a drink image and a modal will appear with the ingredients, recipe, and preferred drinking glass for serving.
This application uses Bulma as a CSS framework and APIs OpenBreweriesDB, TheCocktailDB, Static GoogleMapsAPI, jQuery, and Moment.js
Project: ProjectOne
Usage: Brewery Finder and Mixed Drink Recipes Application
Credits: John Bouchard, Kaleigh Spurio, Karen Astell, and Lynn Boudreau
Links to the deployed application:
and the GitHub repository: