This reader/writer for "sega mega drive" ROMs directly accesses the games by using the 5V-tolerant "Teensy 3.5".
Reader: Teensy 3.5 and the socket for the cartridge
Bottom side: made with wire wrap technology
Jumper: will be used later for the creation of a sega-game-programmer
ROM: The first ROM that was read
Wire-Wrap pins: Close shot of two wire wrap connections
Cartridge pcb: This socket was not able to reliably hold an EEPROM
Cartridge with 27C322: PCB still needs to be tested, but some bytes were already written
Since a ROM can be less than 4MB and the reader currently reads 4MB (21 adress lines at 2 bytes), a 2MB file will be read duplicated. Detect duplications and remove that unnecessary data.
Add a button to easily read more than just one ROM
Add a description of the programming ability
Describe: BE/LE (endianess) and compare it to the "interleaved" *.smd files
Maybe add a function to swap the bytes to the *.smd format