TCF is a tool to create flowchart, run it and convert it to programming language as Javascript, Java, Python and other.
This project is a tool education for teach programming for novices. Transition between flow and code is hard. Students do not experienced interaction or debug writing flow with pen and pepper. So I am creating this tool for to minimize the gap between flow and code.
Features (In Development):
- The teacher can create list of problems for our students;
- Students can solve problems or create a free flowchart;
- Students save all flowchart in a platform;
- Teacher can view all flowchart of your students;
- Teacher can send a message for creator of flow;
- Teacher can create a Unit Tests for problems;
- Students get immediate feedback with Unit Tests;
- Students can view your flowchart in some programming languages;
- Students can run your flowchart;
- Students can save your flowchart as image;
First this tool have a engine for create flowchart, using canvas for visualization. This flowchart is converted to text format and after converted for javascript. This generated javascript is used for run the code in browser. This tool use the text format of flow-chart for generating codes in other languages.