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SyncData Annotations

KilaBash edited this page Mar 27, 2023 · 2 revisions

LDLib provides a powerful sync/persisted system based on annotation. You can easily handle all sync/persisted logic for your BlockEntity without any addional code.


Annotate a field, the value of this field (server side) will be synced to the client side (specifically, remote)

if field also be annotated with @LazyManaged, you need to manually tell him when to synchronize

int a;
@DescSynced @LazyManaged
int b;

public void setA(int newValue) {
    a = newValue; // will be synced automatically, in general

public void setB(int newValue) {
    b = newValue;
    markDirty("b"); // mannually notify chagned


Annotate a field, the value of this field (server side) will be written/read to/from BlockEntities' nbt.

-String key() represent tag name in nbt. default -- use field name instead.

@Persisted(key = "fluidAmount")
int value = 100;
boolean isWater = true;

its nbt looks like

  "fluidAmount": 100,
  "isWater": true


Annotate a field, the value of this field will be saved to Itemstack's nbt when you pick(clone) / harvest this block, and loaded from ItemStack when you place the block in the world.


Annotate a method, you can send RPC packet between different sides. You are free to define the parameters of the methodas long as the parameters support sync, and send rpc anywhere in your class.

public void update() {
    if (!isRemote()) {
        rpcToTracking("rpcLogic", Direction.UP, 100);
        rpcToPlayer(player, "rpcLogic", Direction.UP, 100);
    } else {
        rpcToServer("rpcLogic", Direction.UP, 100);

public void rpcLogic(Direction value1, int value2) {
    // do your logic
    if (isRemote()) {
        System.out.println("Recipe rpc from server");
    if (isRemote()) {
        System.out.println("Recipe rpc from remote");
  • rpcToTracking: send to all remote players if this blockentity is loaded(tracked) in their remotes.
  • rpcToPlayer: send to a specfic player
  • rpcToServer: send to server.


Some class types do not support instance, and they must be final and cannot be changed. (e.g. class type with ITagSerializable is read only, they can be synchronized and persisted, but cannot modify their instance references). If you want this field not to be finnal, it may be null, and the instance may changed, you can use @ReadOnlyManaged.

@ReadOnlyManaged(onDirtyMethod = "onCoverDirty", serializeMethod = "serializeCoverUid", deserializeMethod = "deserializeCoverUid")
private CoverBehavior up, down, north, south, west, east;

private boolean onCoverDirty(CoverBehavior coverBehavior) {
    if (coverBehavior != null) {
        for (IRef ref : coverBehavior.getSyncStorage().getNonLazyFields()) {
        return coverBehavior.getSyncStorage().hasDirtyFields();
    return false;

private CompoundTag serializeCoverUid(CoverBehavior coverBehavior) {
    var uid = new CompoundTag();
    uid.putString("id", GTRegistries.COVERS.getKey(coverBehavior.coverDefinition).toString());
    uid.putInt("side", coverBehavior.attachedSide.ordinal());
    return uid;

private CoverBehavior deserializeCoverUid(CompoundTag uid) {
    var definitionId = new ResourceLocation(uid.getString("id"));
    var side = Direction.values()[uid.getInt("side")];
    var definition = GTRegistries.COVERS.get(definitionId);
    if (definition != null) {
        return definition.createCoverBehavior(this, side);
    GTCEu.LOGGER.error("couldn't find cover definition {}", definitionId);
    throw new RuntimeException();

onDirtyMethod: if this field has changes. serializeMethod: get a unique id of this field. deserializeMethod: if field's unique id changed / set from null to instance. create a new instance for it.

For example, CoverBehavior above is a calss inherit IManaged(so sync annotations in CoverBehavior also works). but it's constructor need to pass BlockEntity into it, so SyncData system couldn't help create its instance. we can use this way to address it.