I've been slowly working on rewriting the website from scratch to remove some of the clunk and add a lot of requested features. Beta site is accessible here!
New features once beta is completed include:
- Map history (up to last 400 maps)
- Favorited maps for easy access
- Map editor for editing and building custom maps
- A DPad that doesn't break for 1/4 of the users on mobile
- Correct button and stats layouts on map practice
- Correct map name not changing on #newMap click
- Make sure shifts are always applied correctly
- Add DPad
- Add change highlight color buttons
- Verify map button to confirm if it's a valid map
- Implement Settings UI
HTML/JavaScript fork of the Java Map Reading Practice program, with some changes.
By default, you can use WASD and/or arrow keys to move around.
If you wish to use mobile, you can enable the d-pad feature by clicking on the settings (gears) button, and enabling the feature. The d-pad can be moved around by dragging the center, and will make sure to always be visible when re-orienting the page.
Take a look around settings to see what else you can do! A help menu will be added (eventually), to describe each option in more detail.