####:sunny: :palm_tree: :evergreen_tree:Demo of my completed assignment🌲 🌴 ☀️
#####This was a project for the 17th week of the Full Stack Program at Galvanize.
##Angular Reddit "Clone"
- Each post has a title, author, image, and description.
- Each post's date/time is displayed nicely: "Yesterday at 3:09pm", "Last Thursday at 4:42am", etc. You will need an external library.
- A user can upvote/downvote posts.
- Posts dynamically reorder according to number of votes.
- A user can create new posts.
- A user cannot create a new post if any of the 4 inputs are blank. Research angular validations.
- A user can click to view existing comments on a specific post.
- The number of comments is correctly pluralized.
- A user can add a new comment to a specific post.
- The new post form and comment forms can be toggled on and off.
- A user can search through posts.
- A user can sort posts by votes, date, and title.
- Animate posts as they are added and removed from the search results. Research Angular animations.
- Style the app.