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New In Game Commands

Loobinex edited this page Oct 28, 2020 · 5 revisions


Completely new commands added by KeeperFX.


Record a movie

To record a FLC movie, press 'Shift+M' during the game. A text "REC" will appear to inform you that recording is on (the text will not be visible in recorded movie). Note that only video is recorded, no sound. The movie will be placed in 'SCRSHOTS' folder; you may play it with "mplayer" or its clones. Note that the generated file may be large.

Make a screenshot

Use the 'Shift+C' keys to make screenshot. The image may be written in 'mhwanh' HSI/RAW format, or Windows BMP format. Format is chosen in KEEPERFX.CFG, 'SCREENSHOT=' option, which may be set to 'HSI' or 'BMP'.

Make and replay packet file

These functions can be only enabled by command line parameters. You can make a packet file which contains the replay with '-packetsave' command, and then play it with '-packetload'. When in the replay, you may always take over control by pressing Alt+T, or exit with Alt+X.

Pick up strongest/weakest unit

Hold 'Ctrl' when picking up a unit from the menu to pick up the strongest one. Hold 'Ctrl+Shift' when clicking to pick up the weakest units.

Toggle sidebar

The menu can be hidden and unhidden by pressing 'Ctrl+TAB'.

Zoom camera

In addition to the default zoom controls ([zoom]+arrow up/down) it's possible to use [zoom]+W/S. The default [zoom] key is 'Ctrl'. It's also possible to scroll the mouse wheel.

Scroll lists

Use the mouse wheel to scroll up and down lists. Scrolling the creature list is done by holding 'Shift' while scrolling, as to not zoom the camera. Several lists can also be scrolled by using the arrow up/down keys.

Scroll message

Hold Ctrl and scroll the mouse wheel to scroll the ingame objective messages and battle menu.

Release speed mode

This mode is also available in original DK, but here it's a bit enhanced. Normally, the engine limits amount of game turns per second. This function allows to stop controlling speed - the game will work at its maximum speed, which highly depends on your computer hardware. To enter released speed mode, press Ctrl+'+' from numpad section of your keyboard, or Ctrl+'=' from the alphanumeric field. Pressing it more than once will increase frameskip - some of the frames will not be drawn, which will result in even greater increase in speed. To cancel the effect, press Ctrl+'-' as many times as you pressed Ctrl+'+' before.

Snap camera to angle

Pressing the middle mouse button will rotate the camera straight north. Unless the camera is already pointing either directly north, east, south or west, in which case the camera will do a 180 degree flip. Do it while holding 'Shift' to rotate 45 degrees clockwise or 'Ctrl' to rotate 45 degrees counter clockwise.

Toggle message

A new key [toggle message] has been introduced, it has a default value of 'E' but can be configured from the 'define keys' menu. It deletes the message currently active, and if there's none active opens the most recent one instead.

Open battle menu

Pressing the [fight] key, default F, zooms you to the ongoing battle. Pressing Shift+[fight] will open/close the battle menu instead.

Change menu page in possession

During possession view the stat pages of the creature by scrolling the mouse wheel down or up. It's also possible to press the [Query] key (default: Q) or the [Toggle message] key (default: E)

Pick up gold pile

Hold Ctrl when picking up gold from the treasure room, to pick up the entire pile in one go.