Republic of Rome - Silex Framework
This project aims at making a fully playable online version of the board game "The Republic of Rome" published by Valley Games (originally by Avalon Hill).
The goal is to have :
- A full implementation of all the game features, without relying on any other tool
- All scenarios and Optional rules available
- In game text-based chat, including secret private chat between players
The tools used are :
- The Silex Framework
- The Twig template engine
- MySQL database (but using PDO so should easily translate to another)
- Jason Grime's SimpleUser for registration and authorisation
- PHPRatchet for WebSockets, so a user's browser is updated as soon as the Game object or the log changes through other users' input. (e.g. : While you are waiting for other players to take their turn you can only watch the game, but once it's your turn, the interface accepts your inputs)
The following will probably need to be implemented but is currently out of my skillset :
- Proper ORM like Doctrine 2, so changes to a "Game" object is reflected in the database