A client/server tool to continuously capture a specific area of the screen containing Classic WoW BG timers for OCR analysis and alerting.
A custom WeakAura manages timer display and formatting within WoW which is then analyzed by screen capture by the client tool.
A Windows Go client to screenshot an area of the screen and
- save as png
- run OCR analysis for battleground timers
- post message to discord channel via webhook
- run once or continually in daemon mode
# starts both server and client containers in development
# specify server|client service name to control individually
docker-compose up -d
# attach terminal to container
# or attach via vs code remote container to install extensions
docker-compose exec client bash
# build executable inside container
# client.exe output to client folder
node.js express server providing the OCR capabilities via a single POST endpoint.
Use tesseract.js to analyze screenshots of WoW Classic WeakAuras showing active battleground timers.
WeakAura examples:
When one bg is ready for entry other active timers pause. Other timers will show the time already waited as a negative value rather than the expected time remaining, as shown in the second example screenshot.
# starts both server and client containers in development
# specify server|client service name to control individually
docker-compose up -d
# enter container to run one-off script or start express server
docker-compose exec server bash
# node ocr.js <imagename>
node ocr.js testdata/test2.png
"bg": "AB",
"hours": undefined,
"minutes": "-01",
"seconds": "15",
"ready": false
"bg": "WS",
"hours": undefined,
"minutes": undefined,
"seconds": undefined,
"ready": true
# start the server and reload on changes via nodemon
npm start
# analyze an image
curl -F image=@server/testdata/test.png http://localhost:3003
{ "bg": "AB", "minutes": "04", "seconds": "21", "ready": false },
{ "bg": "AV", "hours": "01", "minutes": "59", "ready": false },
{ "bg": "WS", "minutes": "01", "seconds": "13", "ready": false }