- java.lang.IllegalStateException: You may only initialize Stormpath once! will trigger for incremental builds. Perhaps silently catch and warn instead of error and crash? or initialize Stormpath in Application subclass
error.developerMessage() is not clear and usually null, why not just forward the HTTP message to the developerMessage?You do, just in error.message()
- "Use the social provider's iOS SDK to get an access token, and pass it to Stormpath to log in." Should be Android not iOS
- Docs on Social Provider setup shouldn't just give devs facebook docs. Specifically, since Stormpath only needs certain pieces of information, it should say what it needs so a dev
knows where to stop
- e.g, FB auth only requires creating the app to get its ID and secret, and setting the callback url (then Stormpath directory setup)
- CCT dependency is transitive. When using support-libs 25.1.0 the application crashes while trying to open CCT ** CCT fails on 25+ libs ** In order to support devs who are targetting API 25+, the sdk needs to be updated to use the newer 25+ support libs ** Solution here? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41564529/chrome-customtab-error-java-lang-nosuchmethoderror-no-static-method-startactiv
** dontwarn for okio