IBM FHIR Server 4.2.0
This version of the IBM FHIR Server supports HL7 FHIR Specification version v4.0.1.
This release focuses on fixing bugs, adding documentation, and implementing:
- Validation warnings for unrecognized profiles and non-required valueset binding
- Experimental support for $import
- Experimental PostgreSQL support
- Conditional delete with multiple matches
- Config property "fhirserver.bulkdata.isExportPublic" for disabling public access to the exported files in COS/S3
- New metrics for each resource type in bulkdata import javabatch job
- Experimental PostgreSQL support
- Support dynamicity in the fhir-registry
- FHIR Server registry resource provider and persistence interceptor
- Bulk data import
- NATS notification support
- Create Liberty OAuth tables during schema provisioning
- Update to Liberty
- Consolidate to a single docker image based on OpenLiberty RedHat UBI
- Add an issue to the issues list if profile not found during validation
- Validation of preferred and extensible value set membership
- Generate supplemental issues for silent behavior in FHIRPath functions
- Ability to write tenant key to a file or specify own tenant key for fhir-persistence-schema
- Pre-populate the resource types and search parameter names during schema deployment
- Package Implementation Guide (IG) jars as userlib jars
- Liberty openapi processor complains of invalid UTF-8 on windows
- NullPointerException in Delete when adding audit log entry
- Bad error message in the case of an invalid tenant key
- $healthcheck should verify the tenant key for multi-tenant deploys
- Docker build fails on yum update
- FHIRPath exists function should return false if the criteria parameter evaluates to false
- NullPointerException while applying a sequence with version >1 with the AllVersionHistoryService
- NullPointerException when the server starts with no fhir-server-config
- Disable TLSv1.1 by default
- Move to @RolesAllowed security, update server config, and introduce jwtRP.xml
- Convert default client and server keystores from JKS to PKCS12
- Move OAuth config from commented out snippets to separate configDropins
Using the Release
Download and install as described at
Executable jar files for the fhir-persistence-schema and fhir-swagger-generator projects are also available:
Usage is documented in the corresponding README files:
For Maven users, all project binaries are posted to BinTray with a version of 4.2.0
Please note as of 2021-MAY-01, JCenter is shutting down BinTray. The libraries, as of that date, are no longer available on BinTray. Please download the to cache your repository locally.