LPhy v1.3.2
New LPhy doc: 1) add built-in functions, 2) categorise generative distributions and functions into few categories, 3) add links to types in the MD doc, 4) enable the extension doc to create links to lphy core types, 5) implement annotation to add descriptions for types.
Completely reorganise examples, and make them easy to find by categories named as subfolders.
Critical change:
- Rename DiscreteUniform #229
Bug fixes and new features:
- Add Negative Binomial distribution #211
- BirthDeathSampling(lambda=λ, mu=0.0, rho=0.6349, rootAge=65.092); not working #224
- Remove java class for math functions e.g. abs, floor, ceil, round #226
- Improve LPhy Doc #227
- Rename PriorDistributionGenerator to ParametricDistribution #230
- Add offset to LogNormal #231
- Parser did not catch the err of having no ; #234
- probit function should be numerical implementation of the inverse error function #237
- module lphy does not export enough packages #238
- extract getGeneratorMarkdown out from Generator #239
- Add a description to the markdown of data types #240
- Allow 1-level sub-folder to organise LPhy scripts in the examples #241
- assert if any Exception in the test to run lphy examples #242
- fix the URL in the extension doc #243
- LPhy data types should be init when register extensions #244
See also https://search.maven.org/search?q=g:io.github.linguaphylo