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implement CalibratedYule distribution #497
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EvaLiyt committed Jun 18, 2024
1 parent db83cd0 commit 5eee07b
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package lphy.base.evolution.birthdeath;

import lphy.base.distribution.DistributionConstants;
import lphy.base.distribution.Exp;
import lphy.base.distribution.UniformDiscrete;
import lphy.base.evolution.Taxa;
import lphy.base.evolution.Taxon;
import lphy.base.evolution.tree.TaxaConditionedTreeGenerator;
import lphy.base.evolution.tree.TimeTree;
import lphy.base.evolution.tree.TimeTreeNode;
import lphy.core.model.GenerativeDistribution;
import lphy.core.model.RandomVariable;
import lphy.core.model.Value;
import lphy.core.model.annotation.GeneratorCategory;
import lphy.core.model.annotation.GeneratorInfo;
import lphy.core.model.annotation.ParameterInfo;

import java.util.*;

public class CalibratedYule extends TaxaConditionedTreeGenerator implements GenerativeDistribution<TimeTree> {
Value<Number> rootAge;
Value<Number> birthRate;
Value<Number[]> cladeMRCAAge;
Value cladeTaxaValue;
Value otherTaxa;
Taxa taxa;
Taxa[] cladeTaxaArray;
List<TimeTreeNode> activeNodes;
List<TimeTreeNode> inactiveNodes;
public final String cladeMRCAAgeName = "cladeMRCAAge";
public final String cladeTaxaName = "cladeTaxa";
public final String otherTaxaName = "otherTaxa";

public CalibratedYule(@ParameterInfo(name = BirthDeathConstants.lambdaParamName, description = "per-lineage birth rate, possibly scaled to mutations or calendar units.") Value<Number> birthRate,
@ParameterInfo(name = DistributionConstants.nParamName, description = "the total number of taxa.", optional = true) Value<Integer> n,
@ParameterInfo(name = cladeTaxaName, description = "a string array of taxa id or a taxa object for clade taxa (e.g. dataframe, alignment or tree)") Value cladeTaxa,
@ParameterInfo(name = cladeMRCAAgeName, description = "an array of ages for clade most recent common ancestor, ages should be correspond with clade taxa array.") Value<Number[]> cladeMRCAAge,
@ParameterInfo(name = otherTaxaName, description = "a string array of taxa id or a taxa object for other taxa (e.g. dataframe, alignment or tree)", optional = true) Value otherTaxa,
@ParameterInfo(name = BirthDeathConstants.rootAgeParamName, description = "the root age to be conditioned on optional.", optional = true) Value<Number> rootAge){
super(n, null, null);
if (cladeTaxa == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The clade taxa shouldn't be null!");
if (cladeMRCAAge == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The clade mrca age shouldn't be null!");
if (n == null && otherTaxa == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least one of " + DistributionConstants.nParamName + ", " + otherTaxaName + " must be specified.");

this.cladeTaxaValue = cladeTaxa;
this.cladeMRCAAge = cladeMRCAAge;
this.otherTaxa = otherTaxa;
this.rootAge = rootAge;
this.birthRate = birthRate;

if (otherTaxa == null) {
activeNodes = new ArrayList<>(n() - getTaxaLength(cladeTaxa));
} else {
activeNodes = new ArrayList<>(getTaxaLength(otherTaxa));
inactiveNodes = new ArrayList<>();

private int getTaxaLength(Value taxa) {
int nTaxa = 0;
if (taxa.value() instanceof Taxa) {
nTaxa = ((Taxa) taxa.value()).length();
} else if (taxa.value().getClass().isArray()) {
nTaxa = ((Object[]) taxa.value()).length;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Taxa must be of type Object[] or Taxa!");
return nTaxa;

@GeneratorInfo(name = "CalibratedYule",
category = GeneratorCategory.BD_TREE,
description = "The CalibratedYule method accepts one or more clade taxa and generates a tip-labelled time tree. If a root age is provided, the method conditions the tree generation on this root age.")
public RandomVariable<TimeTree> sample() {
// construct the clade taxa first

//adding other taxa to active node list, must come after constructCladeTaxa() call

Number[] cladeMRCAAge = getCladeMRCAAge().value();

// do another check after constructing clade taxa
if (getCladeTaxaArray().length != cladeMRCAAge.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of clade mrca age should be the same as clade taxa number!");

// initialise a new tree
TimeTree tree = new TimeTree();

// get active nodes names
List<String> activeNodeNames = new ArrayList<>();
for (TimeTreeNode node : activeNodes){

for (int i = 0; i < getCladeTaxaArray().length; i++) {
// generate the clade tree
TimeTree cladeTree = getCladeTree(cladeMRCAAge[i], cladeTaxaArray[i]);
// add the root node to inactiveNodes

// check repeat names
List<String> leafNames = List.of(cladeTree.getRoot().getAllLeafNodeNames());
// prepare for checking active nodes names
boolean hasRepeatName =;

// prepare for checking inactive node leaf nodes names
Set<String> allCladeNames = new HashSet<>();
boolean hasRepeatCladeNames = false;

for (Taxa cladeTaxa : getCladeTaxaArray()) {
for (Taxon taxon : cladeTaxa.getTaxonArray()) {
if (!allCladeNames.add(taxon.getName())) {
hasRepeatCladeNames = true;
if (hasRepeatCladeNames) {

// if there are repeat names, change all leaf node names for the clade
if (hasRepeatName || hasRepeatCladeNames){
List<TimeTreeNode> leafNodes = cladeTree.getLeafNodes();
for (int j = 0; j<leafNames.size(); j++){
if (getCladeTaxaArray().length == 1){
String newName = "clade_" + leafNames.get(j);
} else {
String newName = "clade" + i + "_" + leafNames.get(j);

// get a certain lambda for Yule coalescent
double lambda = (double) getBirthRate().value();

System.out.println("done initialising");
// coalescent
double t = 0.0;

while (activeNodes.size() > 1){
// sample t with exp distribution
double mean = activeNodes.size() * lambda;
Value<Number> meanValue = new Value<>("mean", mean);
Exp exp = new Exp(meanValue);

t += exp.sample().value();

if (inactiveNodes.size() != 0) {
if (t >= getYoungestNode(inactiveNodes).getAge()) { // count clade root to coalesce
t = getYoungestNode(inactiveNodes).getAge();
// add cladeRoot to the candidate list if it's not exist in it
if (!activeNodes.contains(getYoungestNode(inactiveNodes))) {

coalesceNodes(activeNodes, t);
} else { // do not count clade root to coalesce
coalesceNodes(activeNodes, t);
if (activeNodes.size() == 1 && !activeNodes.contains(getYoungestNode(inactiveNodes))) {
t = getYoungestNode(inactiveNodes).getAge();
} else coalesceNodes(activeNodes, t);

System.out.println("done coalescent");
// set root to construct the tree
if (tree != null) {
tree.setRoot(activeNodes.get(0), true);

// specify the root age if given
if (rootAge != null){
Number rootAgeValue = getRootAge().value();
if (rootAgeValue instanceof Double) {
tree.getRoot().setAge((double) rootAgeValue);
} else {
// handle other number types if necessary

System.out.println("calibrated yule tree is " + tree);
return new RandomVariable<>(null, tree, this);

* Get a Yule tree for each clade taxa.
* @param cladeMRCAAge
* @param taxa
* @return the Yule tree
private TimeTree getCladeTree(Number cladeMRCAAge, Taxa taxa) {
Value<Integer> cladeLengthValue = new Value<> (null, taxa.length());
Value<Number> cladeMRCAAgeValue = new Value<>(null, cladeMRCAAge);
Value<Taxa> taxaValue = new Value<>(null, taxa);
Yule yuleInstance = new Yule(getBirthRate(), cladeLengthValue, taxaValue, cladeMRCAAgeValue);

return yuleInstance.sample().value();

* Get the youngest node in the node list.
* @param inactiveNodes a list of nodes
* @return the node with the smallest age
private TimeTreeNode getYoungestNode(List<TimeTreeNode> inactiveNodes) {
TimeTreeNode tempNode = inactiveNodes.get(0);
double age = tempNode.getAge();
for (TimeTreeNode node : inactiveNodes){
if (age > node.getAge()){
tempNode = node;
age = node.getAge();
return tempNode;

public void constructCladeTaxa() {
Object cladeTaxaValueObject = getCladeTaxa().value();

if (cladeTaxaValueObject instanceof Taxa) {
cladeTaxaArray = new Taxa[] {(Taxa) cladeTaxaValueObject};
} else if (cladeTaxaValueObject.getClass().isArray()) {
if (cladeTaxaValueObject instanceof Taxa[]){
cladeTaxaArray = (Taxa[]) cladeTaxaValueObject;
} else if (cladeTaxaValueObject instanceof Taxon[]) {
cladeTaxaArray = new Taxa[] {Taxa.createTaxa((Taxon[]) cladeTaxaValueObject)};
} else if (cladeTaxaValueObject instanceof Taxon[][]){
Taxon[][] taxonArray = (Taxon[][]) cladeTaxaValueObject;
cladeTaxaArray = new Taxa[taxonArray.length];

for (int i = 0; i < taxonArray.length; i++) {
Taxon[] innerArray = taxonArray[i];
cladeTaxaArray[i] = Taxa.createTaxa(innerArray);
} else if (cladeTaxaValueObject instanceof Object[]) {
if (((Object[]) cladeTaxaValueObject).length > 0 && ((Object[]) cladeTaxaValueObject)[0] instanceof Object[]) {
Object[][] objectArray = (Object[][]) cladeTaxaValueObject;
cladeTaxaArray = new Taxa[objectArray.length];
for (int i = 0; i < objectArray.length; i++) {
cladeTaxaArray[i] = Taxa.createTaxa(objectArray[i]);
} else {
cladeTaxaArray = new Taxa[]{Taxa.createTaxa((Object[]) cladeTaxaValueObject)};
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(taxaParamName + " must be of type Object[], Taxa, or Taxa[], but it is type " + cladeTaxaValueObject.getClass());

private void constructOtherTaxa() {
if (getOtherTaxa() == null) {

int totalCladeTaxaLength = 0;
for (Taxa taxa : cladeTaxaArray) {
totalCladeTaxaLength += taxa.length();
taxa = Taxa.createTaxa(n() - totalCladeTaxaLength);
} else {
if (getOtherTaxa().value() instanceof Taxa) {
taxa = (Taxa) getOtherTaxa().value();
} else if (getOtherTaxa().value().getClass().isArray()) {
if (getOtherTaxa().value() instanceof Taxon[]) {
taxa = Taxa.createTaxa((Taxon[]) getOtherTaxa().value());
} else {
taxa = Taxa.createTaxa((Object[]) getOtherTaxa().value());
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(taxaParamName + " must be of type Object[] or Taxa, but it is type " + getOtherTaxa().value().getClass());

private void mapActiveNodes() {
TimeTreeNode[] nodes = new TimeTreeNode[taxa.ntaxa()];
for (int i = 0; i<nodes.length; i++) {
nodes[i] = new TimeTreeNode(taxa.getTaxon(i), null);

private static void coalesceNodes(List<TimeTreeNode> activeNodes, double t) {
// random two nodes to coalesceT
List<TimeTreeNode> nodes = randomTwoNodes(activeNodes);

TimeTreeNode node1 = nodes.get(0);
TimeTreeNode node2 = nodes.get(1);

// create the parent node
TimeTreeNode parentNode = new TimeTreeNode(t);

// remove coalesced nodes from the candidate list and add parent

// public for unit test
public static List<TimeTreeNode> randomTwoNodes(List<TimeTreeNode> activeNodes) {
// get node1
TimeTreeNode node1 = randomNode(activeNodes);

// get a new list without node1
List<TimeTreeNode> copyList = new ArrayList<>(activeNodes);

// get node2
TimeTreeNode node2 = randomNode(copyList);

// create the random result list
List<TimeTreeNode> randomNodes = new ArrayList<>(2);

return randomNodes;

private static TimeTreeNode randomNode(List<TimeTreeNode> nodeList) {
// create uniform discrete instance
Value<Integer> lower = new Value<>("low", 0);
Value<Integer> upper = new Value<>("high", nodeList.size()-1);
UniformDiscrete uniformDiscrete = new UniformDiscrete(lower, upper);
// random an index
RandomVariable<Integer> index = uniformDiscrete.sample();
return nodeList.get(index.value());

public Map<String, Value> getParams() {
Map<String, Value> map = super.getParams();
map.put(BirthDeathConstants.lambdaParamName, birthRate);
map.put(BirthDeathConstants.rootAgeParamName, rootAge);
map.put(cladeMRCAAgeName, cladeMRCAAge);
map.put(cladeTaxaName, cladeTaxaValue);
return map;

public void setParam(String paramName, Value value){
if (paramName.equals(BirthDeathConstants.lambdaParamName)) birthRate = value;
else if (paramName.equals(BirthDeathConstants.rootAgeParamName)) rootAge = value;
else if (paramName.equals(cladeTaxaName)) {
cladeTaxaValue = value;
else if (paramName.equals(cladeMRCAAgeName)) cladeMRCAAge = value;
else if (paramName.equals(otherTaxaName)) otherTaxa = value;
else super.setParam(paramName, value);

public Value<Number> getBirthRate(){
return getParams().get(BirthDeathConstants.lambdaParamName);
public Value getCladeTaxa(){
return getParams().get(cladeTaxaName);
public Taxa[] getCladeTaxaArray(){
return cladeTaxaArray;
public Value<Number[]> getCladeMRCAAge(){
return getParams().get(cladeMRCAAgeName);
public Value getOtherTaxa(){
return getParams().get(otherTaxaName);
public Value<Number> getRootAge(){
return getParams().get(BirthDeathConstants.rootAgeParamName);

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