server.js is a userscript intended to be run on OWOT ( that makes a radio-like form on the canvas and lets clients listen into a YouTube video at the same time as the broadcaster by running client.js. It works by sending out cmds that signal a seek (manual change of progress), video change, or a pause. It also pings back clients when they connect, giving them the current video and progress. Listeners are detected by this initial ping, and afterwards they have a 2-second period every 10 seconds to respond when a listener check is being performed. If they do not respond, the listener is considered disconnected.
Before running server.js, it is required to run utilities.js. Not everything in utilities.js is needed for server.js since utilities.js is a general-purpose OWOT module not designed specifically for server.js. When loading a playlist by its ID, if you are intending to accept requests, please press the "Play requests next in playlist" menu option even if there are no requests, or adding requests to the playlist will not work the first time.
Both client.js and server.js use YouTube Data API v3; credits to Google!