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LielVaknin edited this page Dec 20, 2020 · 8 revisions

Welcome to Catch Them All wiki!

The main goal of the project

  • Develop a directed weighted graph for the game use
  • Develop logic for the game in which a group of agents must perform movement on a directed weighted graph
  • Agents need to catch as many pokemons as possible and perform minimum moves during the limited time of the game
  • Making graphical user interface for the game

Our results in the game by levels :

Level Score Moves
0 100 250
1 300 454
2 147 241
3 428 414
4 244 206
5 474 413
6 79 288
7 270 447
8 110 231
9 354 434
10 130 226
11 948 398
12 52 266
13 229 487
14 104 246
15 240 477
16 158 227
17 615 412
18 40 297
19 256 497
20 134 232
21 238 449
22 83 242
23 523 429
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