This website will allow users to download the game engine as an .exe file.
It will also include:
- Documentation on how to use the HorizonGE
- Tutorials
- A list of all the features of the game engine
- A roadmap generator
- A development community section allowing users to post question and discuss using the game engine.
cd client
npm i
npm i
MongoDB User Can create a cluster via mongoDB website and connect via MongoDB compass In the .envexample file the information required for mongo is availble. Create a .env file with required information or rename .envexample and add relevant information. Database name used: MSc_Game_Engine_Website Collection name used: users
MONGO_URI = 'mongodb+srv://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD><DB_NAME>?retryWrites=true&w=majority'
- Basic UI Elements
- User Authentication
- Frontend Login & Register Elements
- Responsive design
- Profile page
- Community page
- Allow logged in users to perform CRUD operations on posts
- Like, Comment and Share posts
- Roadmap generation for different users groups
- Populate content on Tutorial, Documentation & Homepages.
- Download Game Engine