A dynamic status page, showing uptime/downtime statistics.
This makes use of the Uptime Robot API for monitoring.
Forked from Steven Cotterill's Website Status Page
Update your API Keys from Uptime Robot in the array on line 17 of 'monitoring.php' and you are good to go.
$api_keys = array(
'site1' => 'm123456789-abc123def456ghi789jkl012',
'site2' => 'm123456789-abc123def456ghi789jkl012',
'site3' => 'm123456789-abc123def456ghi789jkl012',
'site4' > 'm123456789-abc123def456ghi789jkl012',
Those are the API keys that can only use the read-only GetMonitors API method for a given monitor. They can be safely shared and/or used in client-side code as the main API key won't be revealed.
This is automagically updated when code is pushed to Production via Github Actions.