Diese CAN-Library dient zum Programmieren von CAN-Bus Controllern für Ladegeräte von TCCharger oder auch andere. Der dafür notwendige Code findet sich im Repository "TCCharger voltage & current control".
Statt eines Arduino Nano kann auch ein beliebiger anderer Arduino mit SPI-Schnittstelle verwendet werden, z.B. Pro Mini, Uno oder Mega2560. Bestellung am besten bei Amazon oder Banggood, dort gibt es auch gute Starterkits und Zubehör.
Die CAN-Bus Interfaces solltet ihr besser nicht woanders bestellen, ich habe oft fehlerhafte bekommen. Mit dem Lieferanten auf Amazon habe ich ausschließlich gute Erfahrungen gemacht. Es schadet auch nicht einen in Reserve zu haben falls ihr mal einen zerschießt.
Arduino Nano: https://www.amazon.de/Elegoo-Entwicklerboard-Arduino-Atmega328P-CH340/dp/B0713ZRJLC/
CAN-Bus Interfaces: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B01IV3ZSKO
Zusätzlich wird folgendes benötigt: -Lötkolben -dünne Kabel
Die gesamte Library im .zip Format herunterladen und in die Arduino IDE importieren.
Am besten in die Beispiele schauen. Die Datei "Einstiegsbeispiel" enthält alle wichtigen Funktionen mit Beschreibungen.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKf3MwjL2fc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHaxv-cGZFI
This function is used to initialize the baudrate of the CAN Bus system.
The available baudrates are listed as follows:
#define CAN_5KBPS 1
#define CAN_10KBPS 2
#define CAN_20KBPS 3
#define CAN_25KBPS 4
#define CAN_31K25BPS 5
#define CAN_33KBPS 6
#define CAN_40KBPS 7
#define CAN_50KBPS 8
#define CAN_80KBPS 9
#define CAN_83K3BPS 10
#define CAN_95KBPS 11
#define CAN_100KBPS 12
#define CAN_125KBPS 13
#define CAN_200KBPS 14
#define CAN_250KBPS 15
#define CAN_500KBPS 16
#define CAN_666kbps 17
#define CAN_1000KBPS 18
There are 2 receive mask registers and 5 filter registers on the controller chip that guarantee you get data from the target device. They are useful especially in a large network consisting of numerous nodes.
We provide two functions for you to utilize these mask and filter registers. They are:
init_Mask(unsigned char num, unsigned char ext, unsigned char ulData);
init_Filt(unsigned char num, unsigned char ext, unsigned char ulData);
num represents which register to use. You can fill 0 or 1 for mask and 0 to 5 for filter.
ext represents the status of the frame. 0 means it's a mask or filter for a standard frame. 1 means it's for a extended frame.
ulData represents the content of the mask of filter.
The MCP2515 can operate in either a polled mode, where the software checks for a received frame, or using additional pins to signal that a frame has been received or transmit completed. Use the following function to poll for received frames.
INT8U MCP_CAN::checkReceive(void);
The function will return 1 if a frame arrives, and 0 if nothing arrives.
When some data arrives, you can use the following function to get the CAN ID of the "send" node.
INT32U MCP_CAN::getCanId(void);
CAN.sendMsgBuf(INT32U id, INT8U ext, INT8U len, INT8U *buf);
This is a function to send data onto the bus. In which:
id represents where the data come from.
ext represents the status of the frame. '0' means standard frame. '1' means extended frame.
len represents the length of this frame.
buf is the content of this message.
For example, In the 'send' example, we have:
unsigned char stmp[8] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
CAN.sendMsgBuf(0x00, 0, 8, stmp); //send out the message 'stmp' to the bus and tell other devices this is a standard frame from 0x00.
The following function is used to receive data on the 'receive' node:
CAN.readMsgBuf(INT8U *len, INT8U *buf);
Under the condition that masks and filters have been set, this function will only get frames that meet the requirements of those masks and filters.
len represents the data length.
buf is where you store the data.
When frame is received you may check whether it was remote request and whether it was an extended (29bit) frame.
return value is '0' for a negative response and '1' for a positive
For more information, please refer to wiki page.
This software is written by loovee ([email protected]) for seeed studio
and is licensed under The MIT License. Check License.txt for more information.
Contributing to this software is warmly welcomed. You can do this basically by
forking, committing modifications and then pulling requests (follow the links above
for operating guide). Adding change log and your contact into file header is encouraged.
Thanks for your contribution.
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