Python script to download streamer emotes as local png/gif files using twitch api.
e.g. twitch_streamer_emotes_downloader.exe -c pewdiepie -d pdp -p http://localhost:10809
The command line above downloads emote files (the ones in the chat emotes picker) of pewdiepie (channel name should be the one in the URL. e.g. via http proxy of localhost:10809, save them as <emote_name>.<png/gif> in a folder named 'pdp' in current working directory.
usage: twitch_streamer_emotes_downloader.exe [-h] -c CHANNEL [-d DIR] [-p PROXY]
Download streamer emotes from Twitch.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CHANNEL, --channel CHANNEL
Channel name.
-d DIR, --dir DIR Download files into this directory. (default: './emotes', will create if not
-p PROXY, --proxy PROXY
Use specified HTTP proxy server. (e.g. 'http://localhost:10809', or you can set
https_proxy or all_proxy in the terminal)