To run this bot you must first install a couple a couple things to be able to run the code. Follow the steps listed here to configure your Mac.
Install Python:
Go to https://www.python.org/downloads/ and click the big yellow button "Download Python 3.10.2" (or whatever version it is)
Opening Terminal
Click command + space bar -> this should open a search bar on your computer Type "Terminal" into the bar and select the App 'Terminal'
Install PIP:
Paste this command into the Terminal: python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade
Install Pillow:
Paste this command into the Terminal: pip3 install Pillow
Install OpenCV:
Paste this command into the Terminal: pip3 install opencv-python
Install PyAutoGUI:
Paste this command into the Terminal: pip3 install pyautogui
Install VSCode: Go to https://code.visualstudio.com/download and click the big blue button on the left "Mac"