This project uses SVGs and iframes to present the experience of scrolling through a given website on a pre made desktop pc.
- Creating an svg
- Learning how to interact with an svg using javascript
- Learning how to style an svg
- Learning the restrictions of using iframes and finding a work around
- Practising a sensible amount of responsive design.
When building SVG's using inkscape, be careful to build from the ground up and give each layer a good name. it can be done although is a little fiddly. This helps styling and selecting in vanilla js.
I got to practise some selective image rendering to using src set which was pretty nifty..
Lastly I learnt that there are restrictions in terms of what can be displayed in an iframe.
I'll definitely try to spread the wonders of SVGs to future groups I work with as I can see some good benefits.
Thanks for dropping by.