copies of presentations
pharmacyRetreat.Saba.06Aug14.pdf - brief (15 minutes) presentation focused on methods for School of Pharmacy retreat
MeetTheFaculty.Saba.4Mar14.pdf - brief presentation to biostats students on my current research to draw students in for potential thesis/dissertation projects
BioinformaticsJournalClub.21Feb14.pdf - bioinformatics journal club on the article that introducted VOOM as a method to weight RNA-Seq read counts to allow linear regression models
SystemsGenetics.31Oct14.pdf - presentation for Epilepsy group at CU school of pharmacy to overview systems genetics methods we typically use
BIOS6606_2014Nov14.pdf - overview lecture on statistical analyses for global RNA expression (microarray and RNA-Seq)
Resources For Microarray and RNA-Seq Analysis Handout.doc - list of analysis resources associated with BIOS6606_14Nov14.pdf
RCR_DataAcquisitionAndStatistics.07Jan15.pdf - presentation for Responsible Conduct of Research Lecture on Data Acquisition and Statistical analyses
BioinformaticsJournalClub.Saba.11Mar16.pdf - journal club presentation on "Genome-Guided Transcriptome Assembly in the Age of Next-Generation Sequencing" by Liliana D. Florea and Steven L. Salzberg