Project manager extension for coc.nvim
Currently only tested on Neovim, but should work on Vim too. If there is a bug on Vim, please open a issue.
The main inspiration of this project came from the excellent project manager plugin Projectile for emacs.
- List and open saved projects
- Add and remove project
- Automatically detects root folder when adding a new project
- Automatically save the session when saving and quitting
- Automatically load previous session of a project
You can install it using any plugin manager.
With Vim-plug, the installation configuration looks like this :
Plug 'Lap1n/coc-projector', {'do': 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile && yarn build'}
And then execute :PlugInstall
The plugin is still WIP so it is not yet deployed as a npm package.
:CocList projects
Open a file of a project and run :
:CocCommand addProject
Open a file of the project and run
:CocCommand removeProject
: Enables the extension. Defaults to True. -
: The folder location where the project database is stored. Defaults to '.cache/nvim/projector'
- Add npm package to enable installing the plugin using the CocInstall command
- Feature : Remove a project from the CocList view
- Improve documentation
- Remove dependencies with coc.nvim (make the plugin standalone)?