This repository is the Rails API of a two-part networking event attendance management application using the LinkedIn API, Connect+.
Connect+ was built to be a Networking Event Attendance Management system where event owners can create events using a secret code, share it with attendees and attendees can check-in, view other attendees at the event and easily connect with them on Linkedin - all in one place.
##Technologies Used Connect+ uses a PostgreSQL database. We accessed its Ruby on Rails API through Active Record, to return JSON to the front end. The front end is handled by AngularJS. Connect+'s API is hosted by Heroku, and the front end is on FireBase. The application accesses the LinkedIn API through oAuth 2.0.
##Installation The application requires two repositories. Please also make note of the front end, accessible at:
For this repo, please install dependencies using npm install
. For the API, install dependencies using bundle install
##User Stories
- As an event owner, I should be able to create, read, update, and destroy my events.
- As an event owner, I should receive an event code to distribute to users at my event.
- As an attendee, I should be able to add people on LinkedIn with less than three clicks total.
- As an attendee, I want to be able to view attendees at the event that I am attending. These attendees should be filtered or styled based on hiring or looking status.
- As an attendee, I should be able to update my preferences and skill tags.
- As an attendee, I should be able to view attendees with whom I have attended previous events.
- oAuth through LinkedIn was a challenge. The process required multiple interdependent API calls, and documentation was sparse.
- Managing a many-to-many relationship between data models was a unique challenge.
##Future Improvements
- Analytics
- Streamline oAuth backend code
- Update CSS
Created by @lizafloyd, @LWatsonlm & @a-espioza