Assembler for RISC-ALX architecture.
./rasm <INPUT_FILE>
INPUT_FILE must be valid RASM code.
Machine code will be sent to stdout.
There are four kinds of statements in RASM:
- Section declarations
- Register declarations
- Symbol declarations
- Instructions
Either .data
or .text
The statement .data
must be the first line of code in the file and precede .text
Register name followed by the integer value it is initialized to.
Can only exist in .data
Example: tmp 10
Symbol name followed by a colon.
Can only exist in .text
Example: _start:
An instruction from the following list followed by its operands.
Name | Operand 1 | Operand 2 | Description |
jmp | Dest | Sets instruction pointer to Dest | |
jz | Dest | Source | Jumps to Dest if [Source] = 0 |
jnz | Dest | Source | Jumps to Dest if [Source] != 0 |
cmp | Addr1 | Addr2 | To be followed by je, jne, jg, jge, jl, or jle |
je | Dest | Jump to Dest if [Addr1] = [Addr2] | |
jne | Dest | Jump to Dest if [Addr1] != [Addr2] | |
jg | Dest | Jump to Dest if [Addr1] > [Addr2] | |
jge | Dest | Jump to Dest if [Addr1] >= [Addr2] | |
jl | Dest | Jump to Dest if [Addr1] < [Addr2] | |
jle | Dest | Jump to Dest if [Addr1] <= [Addr2] | |
inc | Dest | Increments [Dest] | |
add | Dest | Source | Stores [Dest] + [Source] into [Dest] |
sub | Dest | Source | Stores [Dest] - [Source] into [Dest] (Stores 0 if [Source] >= [Dest]) |
mov | Dest | Source | Copies [Source] to [Dest] |
drs | Dest | Source | Copies [[Source]] to [Dest] |
drt | Dest | Source | Copies [Source] to [[Dest]] |
out | Source | Outputs [Source] | |
inp | Dest | Inputs into [Dest] | |
hlt | Halts | ||
An operand can either be a register name, a symbol name, or a non-negative integer preceded by a dollar sign indicating a numerical constant. | |||
The symbol _start must be defined for all programs, as it acts as the starting point of execution. |
The symbol __ram is a special symbol that is predefined and indicates the beginning of available memory. All memory past this point is free to alter without repercussion. |
An example of a program designed to list the first n fibonacci numbers where n is the given input:
cur 0
next 1
tmp 0
count 0
inp count
out cur
mov tmp next
add next cur
mov cur tmp
sub count $1
jnz _repeat count
Support for syntax highlighting is provided through the VSCode extension syntax.vsix.