Releases: LPC-HH/HH4b
Releases · LPC-HH/HH4b
What's Changed
- Fix imports by @rkansal47 in #34
- Submit v11 by @cmantill in #35
- V12 by @rkansal47 in #36
- Trigger studies by @cmantill in #37
- Add combine script by @rkansal47 in #40
- RK Trigger Study and more plots by @rkansal47 in #39
- 2018 setup by @cmantill in #41
- OOC study by @billy000400 in #42
- Updates from semi-boosted studies by @cmantill in #47
- Add selections to skimmer by @cmantill in #49
- Add ttbar regions by @cmantill in #50
- Add label to data and condor folder by @cmantill in #51
- Remove T1_fnal disk temporarily by @cmantill in #52
- Rucio command in README by @rkansal47 in #54
- Added branches to synchronize with Armen by @cmantill in #56
- Add new selectors for v12 data by @rkansal47 in #57
- Update v11 QCD list by @cmantill in #58
- Move notebook folders into boosted/semiboosted. Cleared all outputs by @cmantill in #59
- change 2022EE lumi in hh_vars by @ddiaz006 in #60
- V12 update by @cmantill in #61
- Update the BDT notebook and added files for optimizing on PRP nautilus by @billy000400 in #53
- Update template BDT, Add costheta* BDT by @billy000400 in #62
- JECs update and pt_raw by @ddiaz006 in #65
- Clone github repo in condor jobs by @rkansal47 in #64
- Postprocessing updates by @cmantill in #70
- Check that the local repo is up-to-date when submitting by @rkansal47 in #69
- Adding WJetstoLNu by @ddiaz006 in #71
- Updates for run2 and run3 2023 by @cmantill in #72
- Quick run on Run2023 by @cmantill in #73
- 3 tries to clone git repo in case of network issues by @rkansal47 in #75
- Add changes to postprocessing by @cmantill in #74
- Update weight normalization by @rkansal47 in #76
- Adding some code to include Tau32SF in TTbar sample by @ddiaz006 in #77
- Updates to 2022 and 2023 processing by @cmantill in #78
- Update v12 private filelist and submit config by @cmantill in #80
- Update data lists for semilep tt region by @cmantill in #81
- More updates to lists with WJetsToLNu by @cmantill in #83
- Making precommit happy by @rkansal47 in #86
- F-test, bias test, and updated instructions by @jmduarte in #87
- Add xgboost by @jmduarte in #90
- Fix by @rkansal47 in #89
- Postprocess run2023 by @jmduarte in #92
- Add BSM signal samples by @cmantill in #93
- update lumi in plots by @jmduarte in #94
- [WIP] check mreg by @jmduarte in #95
- [WIP] Update limits with pT > 300 by @rkansal47 in #97
- PNet ROC Curve by @rkansal47 in #96
- Edits to BDT plots and Adding version trained with MSD only by @cmantill in #99
- Add BDT Training w PNetLegacy by @cmantill in #103
- Templates for BDT with mSD by @rkansal47 in #104
- Add BDT with PNetLegacy and no QCD scores by @cmantill in #105
- add W+jets and single higgs processes by @jmduarte in #100
- Add npy by @cmantill in #108
- [WIP] FoM scan by @jmduarte in #109
- More versions of BDT aiming to address sculpting by @cmantill in #110
- Fix to postfit by @cmantill in #113
- [WIP] add ttH by @jmduarte in #111
- indent by @jmduarte in #114
- inference script by @jmduarte in #115
- TT recoil SFs by @rkansal47 in #107
- Legacy templates by @rkansal47 in #118
- Update Skimmer by @rkansal47 in #117
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 23Nov9...24Apr19LegacyFixes
What's Changed
- Cookiecutter template and re-factoring by @rkansal47 in #32
- Updates to PU and v12 by @cmantill in #33
Full Changelog: