WsReplay is a small tool for capturing hard-to-replicate websocket messages so they can be replayed for frontend development
To use:
- git clone
- cd ws-replay
- npm install
- node example-server.js &
- node proxy-server.js
- (Point browser to localhost:3001)
For a professional tool, consider one of these tools that existed before this project:
- did create example webapp with server and client
- did let example server stream messages to client via websocket
- did let client display stream
- did create proxy with server and client
- did let proxy client display the example stream by proxying
- did give example client buttons: Server, send me numbers and Server, stop sending numbers
- did give proxy main actions: capture/stop/inject radio
- did make proxy main actions capture/stop/ work
- did let proxy inject in loop so example client is forced to see letters or numbers
- did improve display to clarify what is time vs msg
- let command line arg give WsReplayUI port
- let command line argument determine whether or not example is shown
- let WsReplayUI accept and send port of proxied/watched server and port for proxied/watched client
- create github project
- give proxy save button
- let proxy client save to file
- let proxy client load from file
- allow user to remove a time+message pair or add one
- let proxy client display multiple exported/imported data sets?
- let example client and server share heartbeats?
- create written tests