Plugin to translate applications (wxWidgets) with 'Code::Blocks'
Versions for all 'Code::Block, sdk >= 2.0.0, svn >= 12004'
Last: sdk = 2.23.0, svn = 12896 -> ...
1 - What is this project :
The goal is to translate, in the local language, the development projects
under 'Code::Blocks', only those using 'wxWidgets'.
The extension 'Collector' to generate in directory 'trlocale' a file :
- 'name_projet.po' for a single project,
- or 'leader_name_project_workspace.po' for cooperative project (workspace).
This file is provided to 'Poedit', built-in 'Code::Blocks', which generates
file '*.mo', to put in the executable directory for test
2- Prerequisites
1- 'xgettex.exe', 'msmerge.exe' and 'msguniq.exe' must be installed in the system path
(system variable PATH), or either with 'codeblocks.exe'
-> 'Win-64' : 'Poedit' containt 'xgettext.exe', 'msmerge.exe', 'msguniq.exe'
-> 'Lin-64' : 'xgettext' is independent of 'Poedit'
** you will have to add in the 'gettext\share\its' directory the two files
codeblocks.its' and 'codeblocks.loc' provided in '...\its'.
To install 'Poedit' in 'Code::Blocks' :
1- read '',
2- read 'infos/Collector_exp.en' paragraph 'SETUP 'Poedit',
2- 'wxrc' must be installed
- either with 'codeblocks' (for 'Win-64' : 'wxrc.exe' with target 'wxrc_320' or 'wxrc_321')
- either with 'wxWidgets' (for 'Lin-64' : native)
3- Installation in 'Code::Blocks' (without 'Poedit') :
1- install 'Collector-x.y.z' in any directory
2- in 'Code::Blocks'
- load the project 'Collector-x.y.z.cbp'
- choice target (lin_320, lin_321, win_320, win_321 ... : 320 => wx-3.2.0)
- Win-64 :
- 'Build->Build' =>
- 'win_321\Collector.dll' with size ... KB
- ...
- 'Plugins->Manage plugins... : Install New'
- choice '...\win_321\Collector.cbpugin'
=> in 'Collector' log
** Platform : 'Win-64', 'sdk-2.23.0', 'Collector-1.8.0', built the '23/01/17::10:51:52'
- Lin-64 :
- 'Build->Build' => 'lin_321/' with size ... KB
- 'Plugins->Manage plugins... : Install New'
- choice '.../lin_321/Collector.cbpugin'
=> in 'Collector' log
** Platform : 'Linux-64', 'sdk-2.23.0', 'Collector-1.8.0', built the '23/01/17::11:09:15'
3- You see '&Collect' in menu bar or 'Collector Toolbar' in tools bar
4 - Fast Start in 'Code::Blocks' (without 'Poedit') :
On a activated project :
1- '&Collect->List from project',
which lists the files with strings in 'Collector' log,
2- '&Collect->Extract from project'
which extracts the strings and creates the file 'trlocale\name_project.po'
** You can perform these two operations in sequence by
'Collect->List and Extract from project',
3- item '&Collect->Removes temporary files'
which eliminates, if necessary, potential temporary files created during listing.
4- '&Collect->Go to start state',
to correctly restart the next listing,
5- '&Collect->Stop current action',
stops the current listing or extraction.
5 - Detailed use
The directory 'infos' files contains the explanatory use.