This repository hosts miscellaneous functions used in LBAB analyses
- Save a function per file ending in .R (not .r). Functions should be named using verbs.
- Follow [Google's Style guide for R] (
- Comment your code in English
- Include a header at the beginning of your function file including:
- Name of the function
- Purpose: brief description of file's purpose
- Args: description of arguments necessary to run the function
- Returns: description of the object returned by the function
- Author: who wrote the code? Give necessary credit when modifying someone else's code
- Date: date the code was last modified
- For example:
#Automatic download of all georeferenced GBIF and SIB data within a selected area
# root: Character. Path to directory where downloaded files will be saved.
# co: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object with spatial extent of interest.
# resume: Logical. Do you want to resume a previous download session?
# resumeObj: List, including objects step1,step2 and errorIter. step1 and step2 are logicals that
# indicate whether the download session should resume from step1 (downloading of GBIF data)or step2
# (downloading of SIB data). errorIter is the iteration from which downloading should resume.
#Returns: a list object with elements db (data frame with compiled GBIF and SIB data) and
# isDuplicate (which indicates whether a GBIF record is already included in SIB).
#Author: Jorge Velásquez (
#Date: March 15, 2013
#Extract a groups species shape files and write them
#Código para extraer los polígonos de una especie de los mpas experto de la IUCN.
#Se desarrolla este código porque dichos mapa experto traen todos los polígonos de las
#especies del grupo en una sola capa
#Arguments: Se deben tener los shapes de grupos de la IUCN
#Author: Ivan Gonzalez (
#Date: March 15, 2014