A work-in-progress prototype of the CircuitSEQ website.
It is now running on a heiCLOUD VM here: https://circuitseq.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/
You can sign up for a user account using any valid heidelberg/embl/dkfz email address.
- Users can
- sign up with a valid email address
- request a sample, optionally providing a reference sequence
- see a list of their requested samples
- download their reference sequences
- download their results
- Admins can
- see a list of all users
- see a list of all requested samples
- change the site settings
- set which day of the week sample submission closes
- set number of plate rows/cols
- add/remove running options
- download a zipped tsv of this weeks requests including reference sequences as fasta files
- upload a zipfile with analysis results for a sample
- also do all of the above using a REST API (see api_examples.ipynb)
- currently all uploaded samples may be deleted without warning as the prototype is updated!
If you want to make changes to the code, see README_DEV.md for instructions on how to locally build and deploy the website.