Template source:https://github.com/Xiaoyang-Song/RStudio-Theme-Customization
- https://github.com/Xiaoyang-Song/RStudio-Theme-Customization
- https://github.com/batpigandme/night-owlish
- https://c.runoob.com/front-end/6214/#77817b
- https://rstudio.github.io/rstudio-extensions/rstudio-theme-creation.html#creating-a-tmtheme
- https://tmtheme-editor.glitch.me/#!/editor/theme/Monokai
This is an Rstudio theme that is not yet completely satisfactory, but can be used with some effort, inspired by a game character Kyouyama Kazusa.
By the way, remember if you want to modify the color of the operators. The color of the operators is not included in the global variable in the author's template.
.ace_support.ace_type {
color: <your color>;