Project background: Generally, client-go in kubernetes only has a single-cluster and single-resource monitoring demo, and the writing is relatively simple. Based on this problem, this project uses the client-go package for extended encapsulation to achieve "multiple clusters" and "multiple resources" informer mechanism.
The caller only needs to maintain the config.yaml configuration file and handlerFunc.
- "Multi-cluster" informer configuration can be provided.
- Can provide multi-resource informer, currently only supports pods,services,configmaps,deployments,events,secrets,statefulsets,daemonsets, etc.
- Supports using the all field to monitor specific resources of all namespaces when configuring a namespace.
- Can support skipping the TLS authentication process and calling informer directly.
- Supports callback to listen to the runtime.Object instance of the resource object.
- Create a resource file in the directory, copy the cluster's .kube/config file and put it in the project root directory (remember that the cluster server needs to be changed to "public network ip").
- This project supports insecurity mode, so the certificate-authority-data field needs to be deleted in the config file, otherwise the connection will report an error (it does not need to delete it if it supports TLS certificate).
- Multiple .kube/config configuration files can be configured to support multi-cluster list query.
- Important The configuration file can refer to the configuration in config.yaml. The caller only needs to pay attention to the content in the configuration file.
maxrequeuetime: 5 # 最大重入队列次数
clusters: # 集群列表
- metadata:
clusterName: cluster1 # 自定义集群名
insecure: true # 是否开启跳过tls证书认证
configPath: /Users/zhenyu.jiang/go/src/golanglearning/new_project/multi_cluster_informer/resource/config2 # kube config配置文件地址
list: # 列表:目前支持:pods deployments services configmaps events等资源对象的监听
- rType: pods # 资源对象
namespace: all # namespace:可支持特定namespace或all
objSave: false # 支持informer实例返回runtime.Object对象,在多集群监听时,需要考虑内存问题,
# 如果没有特殊要求,可以设置为objSave
- rType: deployments
namespace: default
objSave: true
- rType: services
namespace: default
objSave: true
func main() {
//flag.StringVar(&cfg, "config", "./config.yaml", "config yaml file")
//// 1. 项目配置
//sysConfig, err := config.LoadConfig(cfg)
//if err != nil {
// klog.Error("load config error: ", err)
// return
//// 2. 启动多集群informer
//r, err := multi_informer.NewMultiClusterInformer(
// sysConfig.MaxReQueueTime,
// sysConfig.Clusters,
//if err != nil {
// klog.Fatal("multi cluster informer err: ", err)
// The following method is recommended. The caller only needs to care about the settings in the configuration file.
// 1. Get controller object
r, err := multi_informer.NewMultiClusterInformerFromConfig("./config.yaml")
if err != nil {
klog.Fatal("multi cluster informer err: ", err)
// 2. add handler
r.AddEventHandler(func(object queue.QueueObject) error {
// only the add event
if object.Event == queue.EventAdd {
fmt.Println("目前监听到事件为add的资源对象", object.ResourceType)
//fmt.Println("目前监听到的资源对象", obj.ResourceType, obj.Event)
if object.ClusterName == "cluster1" {
fmt.Println("目前监听到集群为cluster1的资源对象", object.ResourceType)
if object.ClusterName == "cluster2" {
fmt.Println("目前监听到集群为cluster2的资源对象", object.ResourceType)
fmt.Println(time.Now(), object.Event, object.ResourceType, object.Key, object.ClusterName)
return nil
// 3. run informer
go r.Run()
defer r.Stop()
// 4. Continuously remove resource objects from the queue
for {
obj, _ := r.Pop()
// method one:use handler
// If there is a problem with your own logic,
// you can put it back in the queue.
if err = r.HandleObject(obj); err != nil {
_ = r.ReQueue(obj) // reQueue
} else {
// t's done
// method two:Handle it yourself
//if err = process(obj); err != nil {
// _ = r.ReQueue(obj) // 重新入列
//} else { // 完成就结束
// r.Finish(obj)
// process execute your own logic
func process(obj queue.QueueObject) error {
if obj.Event == queue.EventAdd {
fmt.Println("目前监听到事件为add的资源对象", obj.ResourceType)
if obj.ClusterName == "cluster2" {
fmt.Println("目前监听到集群为cluster2的资源对象", obj.ResourceType)
fmt.Println(time.Now(), obj.Event, obj.ResourceType, obj.Key, obj.ClusterName)
return nil