Implementation of Chess Game. This is a Multiplayer game can be played with computer or human.
i) Multiplayer Game:
Can be played as
- Human v/s Human
- Human v/s Computer
- Computer v/s Computer
(Note:- For changing the mode change the code in line no. 52 and 53 of
ii) Play features:
- Castling
- Pawn-Promomtion
- Capturing en Passant
- Interface to select the game mode
- Allow dragging peices
- Ordering the moves (ex. looking at checks and/or captures) should make the engine much quicker (because of the alpha-beta pruning).
- Keeping track of all the possible moves in a given position, so that after a move is made the engine doesn't have to recalculate all the moves.
- Evaluating kings placement on the board (separate in middle game and in the late game).
- Book of openings.
- Press
to undo a move. - Press
to reset the game. - Run the game by running