Plugin Manager: lazy.nvim
Run the following command in the ~/.config
git clone [email protected]:Kot6603/nvim.git
More information to be added
Plugins are managed using lazy.nvim
Following plugins are installed:
- nvim-colorizer
- rose-pine (set to rose-pine-moon)
- comment
- conform
- fidget
- for the lsp messages
- fugitive
- the goated vim-git integration
- gitsigns
- harpoon
- I love theprimeagen
- lualine
- obsidian
- telescope
- I love teej too
- todo
- I love folke too
- treesitter
- zen-mode
LSP uses:
Within init.lua
- general plugins without config
{ "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
{ "christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator" },
{ "szw/vim-maximizer" },
{ "tpope/vim-surround" },
{ "mbbill/undotree" }, -- undo tree
{ "simrat39/symbols-outline.nvim" },
{ "windwp/nvim-ts-autotag" },
{ "theprimeagen/vim-be-good" },
{ "github/copilot.vim" },
- Add trouble integration
- general keymaps are in