Releases: KnowledgeCaptureAndDiscovery/SoftwareDescriptionOntology
Software Description Ontology 1.9.0
This version of the ontology introduces a new class: Constraints.
Software configurations can have constraints, an each constraint has is own rules and variables.
A detailed changelog is available here:
Software Description Ontology 1.8.0
This version of the ontology introduces new classes for distinguishing parameters that identify a catalog identifier; and properties for setup versioning, status setup and proper linking of data transformation results to software inputs.
In addition, this version of the ontology adds missing documentation to some concepts and fixes typos in labels and descriptions.
A detailed changelog is available here:
Software Description Ontology 1.7.0
This version of the ontology:
- Introduces a new property for describing files with respect to a certain location (e.g., to capture directory structure requirements)
- Fixes domains and ranges of some properties.
- Adds new properties from codemeta to describe readme and issue tracker.
- Describes new properties for describing execution instructions and installation instructions.
- New properties to link software to notebooks and software to their build files (e.g., Software image to its Dockerfile).
Software Description Ontology 1.6.0
This release includes adoption of data transformations, which are now explicitly represented.
Software Description Ontology 1.5.0
This version of the ontology includes properties for describing version status and parameter descriptions for setting up ensembles of executions. It also provides the means to describe numerical indices.
See for additional details
Software Description Ontology 1.4.0
Software description ontology 1.4.0. This version has the following main changes:
- introduces a property (hasStepSize) to notify what are reasonable increments in the parameter when doing automated workflow setups.
- adds dateTime as an maximum and minimum value (before it was only int and float)
Software Description Ontology 1.3.0
This version of the ontology supports:
- Property to define accepted values in parameters.
- Properties and classes to represent collections of sample resources (e.g., a grouping of files that can be used to trigger several runs of a software component)
In addition, the documentation for some of the properties and classes has been improved.
Software Description Ontology 1.2.0
This version addresses the following issues:
- Domain and range of properties like description, which had no domain.
- Added labels and definitions for terms
- Added the means to define the project number for funding.
- Added the capability to define configuration setups.