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[email protected]$
Name: Kabir Dhruw
Role: Cloud Developer | Cyber Security Enthusiast | Machine Learning Enthusiast
[email protected]$
Cloud! Cloud! Cloud!
[email protected]$
Cybersecurity Enthusiast with a keen interest in Ethical Hacking Tool Development, Cloud Architecture Design, and Cloud Infrastructure Development. In addition to that, I specialize in Backend Web Development and Python Development to understand the working of common applications and common vulnerabilities that developers leave while working on a project. My life centers on improving humanity, and I love where I am at right now. Fun fact: I am neither especially clever nor especially gifted. I am only very, very curious.
[email protected]$
[#] Python
[#] Java
[#] Bash
[#] SQL
[email protected]$
[#] Cloud Security
[#] Network Penetration Testing
[email protected]$
locate ghost
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kabir-dhruw/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kiinitix
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kiinitix/
Blog: https://kiiocity.wordpress.com/
Photography: https://kiinitix.github.io/Shutterbuggin/
[email protected]$
cat /etc/hosts
Portfolio: https://kiinitix.github.io/kabir-dhruw/
[email protected]$
sudo su
Password: ************************
[email protected]$
Kavach OS: https://www.kavach.org.in/
Colossus: https://kiinitix.github.io/colossus-site/
Malware Detection: https://github.com/Kiinitix/Malware-Detection-using-Machine-