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Multiple Language Support

Benjamin Albert edited this page Feb 4, 2016 · 5 revisions

Internationalization, Localization with i18n and RTL support is included. All buttons, labels and other text can be changed out using different combinations of these features as needed.

      i18n: {
         year: "année",
         prevYear: "l'année dernière",
         nextYear: "l'année prochaine"

You can set the menu's run direction as right to left by using the IsRTL option.
IMPORTANT: This option expects that the html or body tag's dir='rtl'.

      IsRTL: true

Here is an example that translates the menu to Hebrew:

    // Use the IsRTL option if you are translating the menu to a 
    // language that is written from right to left like Hebrew or Arabic.
    IsRTL: true,
    i18n: {
       year: 'שנת',
       buttonText: 'פתח תפריט',
       prevYear: "שנה קודמת",
       nextYear: "שנה הבאה",
       next12Years: 'עבור 12 שנים קדימה',
       prev12Years: 'עבור 12 שנים אחורה',
       nextLabel: "הבא",  
       prevLabel: "הקודם",
       jumpYears: "בכר שנה",
       backTo: "חזור ל",
       months: ["ינו'", "פבר'", "מרץ", "אפר'", "מאי", "יוני", "יולי", "אוג'", "ספט'", "אוק'", "נוב'", "דצמ'"]