Probes the memory of Rekordbox, which is DJ software by PioneerDJ, and retrieves the artist and title metadata of the tracks currently loaded into the decks. A local HTTP daemon is run (default port 41379) that can be sent a GET request to retrieve the metadata of the current master deck. This is mostly meant to be used with Loopstream but could have potential elsewhere, maybe.
As this program probes memory, and Rekordbox is 64-bit software, this program must be built in 64-bit mode to work.
This has been tested and working with Rekordbox 5.8.1 and 5.8.3, and settings for both can be found below. Other versions require probing for pointers using CheatEngine. Refer to Finding Rekordbox
Switching from 2-deck mode to 4-deck mode in Rekordbox breaks things, and requires its own set of pointers.Switching from 4-deck mode to 2-deck mode breaks things worse, and using the 2-deck mode pointers won't work until Rekordbox is re-opened.- Technically the above to problems can be fixed by checking all potential pointers and observing their behaviour but that is effort.
- This software is garbage (won't fix)
Open Loopstream's settings and go to the Tags tab. Copy the below and then click "Load" on the Tags settings window. This should import a tag reader that polls Rekordbox Reader.
Alternatively, if you are cautious about letting a program deserialize gzipped text data, setup Loopstream tags as below.
The program now ships with a preset file embedded, which it will extract if it doesn't find the file in the same directory. Presets will be added as we feel like it. You can grab the latest preset settings from The resources directory. Place it in the same directory as RekordboxReader and name it RekordboxReader.xml