REST-based services for a checkout counter of an online retail store. The final invoice details the localized welcome message, all purchase items, costs, applicable tax and total payable amount
- Developed as a SpringBoot Microservice
- Uses in memory h2 database (non persistent)
- Secured with basic authentication
- Internationalization with LocalizationInterceptor and LocaleResolver (Only Invoice API)
- Unit tested with SpringBoot Repository test and SpringBoot Service test using Mockito
- Self sufficient project which can be built, deployed and tested
- GET /product/all - List all products
- GET /product/{resourceId} - List a particular product
- POST /product/add - Add new product
- POST /purchase/generate_new_bill - Create a new entry for a new bill
- POST /purchase/add_scanned_product - Add a product to this bill
- POST /purchase/remove_scanned_product - Remove a product from this bill
- GET /purchase/invoice/{billId} - Calculate final bill and generate invoice
Use basic authentication with username/password as kedar/password Optionally, The locale can be passed along with header e.g "Accept-Language" : "DE"
- Clone:
- Application can be executed from project location using "mvn spring-boot:run" OR Create executable jar: mvn package Go to target folder Run : java -jar retailStore-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Swagger: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
- Authentication credential: kedar/password
H2 In-memory DB can be accesses as follows from browser:
- http://localhost:8080/h2-console/
- Use JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:mem:testdb
- Application starts with following pre-loaded data:
- Three products: Apple Small, Shirt Small, Trouser Small.
- One full bill: billId=1