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Katerina Kechris edited this page Aug 31, 2023 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the KechrisLabWebsite wiki!

Please find a ReadMe on how to make changes on the website below:


Edit Home Page

lab title/description on home page

    1. Go to
    2. Click Edit this file 
    3. change lab title/description
    4. commit changes 

image on home page

    1. Go to images
    2. Upload a new image for homepage (current image is toolcollage.png): newhomeimage.png
    3. Commit changes
    4. Go to
    5. Click Edit this file 
    6. replace old image name with new image name
    7. Commit changes

logo/header/footer images:

    1. Go to images
    2. upload a new logo (current logo is called, kechrislogo.svg) newlogo.svg
    3. upload a new header/footer image (current image is dna-ancestry_2502064k.jpg) newheader.svg
    4. Commit changes
    5. go to _config.yaml
    6. looking at line 4-11
        1. line 6: replace current logo file name with new one
        2. Line 7 and 8: replace current header file name with new one
    7. Commit changes

order of tab:

    1. Go to each file 
        - background>
        - research>
        - publications>
        - courses>
        - team>
        - tools>
        - contact>
    2. looking at line 1-6 in each index file, change the number after *order:* for each tab to be reordered. 1 being first tab on the left
    3. commit changes

Edit background/ research/courses

1. go to background> / research> /courses>
2. Click on Edit this file 
3. Make changes within the file
4. Commit changes

Add a new publication:

1. Go to _data>sources.yaml 
2. start a new line with 
     -id: doi: 
     -publisher: (watch out certain special character written in a certain way might cause problems)
     -link: (link to pubmed central)
3. Commit changes

Add a member on team:

add picture:

    1. Go to images
    2. upload a new picture: newmember.jpg
    3. commit changes

add a profile:

    1. Go to _members
    2. Click on Add file
    3. Create a new file
    4. name the file
    5. paste the following content onto file: 
    name: New Member
    image: images/newmember.jpg
    description: xxxxxxxx xx Student (20xx- , with xxx xxxxx)
    6. Commit changes

Add a new tool:

add a picture:

    1. Go to images
    2. Upload a picture for new tool: newtool.png
    3. Commit changes

add tool details

    1. go to _data>tools.yaml
    2. Click Edit this file
    3. Following the template add details about your new tool, the last line of description adds 
a link into the description
    - title: NEW TOOL
      subtitle: « language of implementation: implementer’s name »
      image: images/newtool.png
      description: TFEM(Transcription Factor Expectation Maximization).
		Detecting DNA regulatory motifs by incorporating positional trends in information content. 
		[see Kechris et al., 2004]( 
    4. Commit changes

change tool card size:

  1. go to tools/
  2. for each tool group, change the attribute style (currently "large", used to be "small", "square" is also an option)

Edit contact


    1. Go to contact>
    2. click the « Edit this file » button 
    3. Make changes within the file. 
    4. Commit changes


    1. Go to images
    2. Upload a new picture (png or jpg): mynewpicture.png
    3. Commit changes
    4. Go to contact>
    5. click the « Edit this file » button 
    6. Go to line 10-13, in the following code. <br> 
      include figure.html
      width = "25%"
    4. change to <br>
      include figure.html
      width = "25%"
    5. commit changes

Edit general website features

The size of the container for website content

  1. go to css/theme.scss
  2. go to line "screen width"
  3. change $page (currenty 1500px, used to be 900px)

To change overall font, go to css/body.scss