This is a c++ clock with a stupid function coded by me XD
It allow you to set a time when the time you seted is up it will auto move your cursor to the position you have seted
First, when you start the exe, it will show your cursor position on the console for 10 times (Please remember these 2 number)
Next, it will ask for the position you want to set
Then, it will ask for the hour and minutes you want to set Done! When it finished the job, it will be closed automatically
/* Important! /
It is based on 24- hour o'clock
Please Enter 13 instead of 1 , 14 instead of 2 ....
Minutes Enter 1 instead of 01 is fine
/ Important! */
1. | GetCursorPos function
2. | C++ Date and Time
Discord : jeff.408
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