Mini-Game system manager developed with the uMod API for Rust. Originally created to manage other plugins’ games, the manager acts as a simple method to add custom game-modes to Rust. Although created around patch 234, this plugin runs fully functional as of May 1, 2022 on patch APRIL2022UPDATE. The map is still supported but may need to be re-exported from RustEdit.
Here is a quick guide to spinning up a rust server on GCLOUD. Although not quite comprehensive, it provides the steps necessary for hosting game servers.
- Allows an admin to create a server spawn and set custom spawns for maps.
- Game creation starts from any player and others may join during the countdown. Only one game may run at a time, however simultaneous games are almost supported.
- Prompts players to vote on predefined maps for the given game.
- Free For All
- Gun Game
- One In The Chamber
- Infected
- Snipers Only
- Tanks n Nails
- Zookas