#Flutter version 3.0.5
- You setup build environment for the first time.
- You modified any code with the annotation
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
flutter pub run intl_utils:generate
Now, you can get the localized text by L10n.of(context).msgap001
- docs: https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_gen
- note: do not create directory 'default'
fluttergen -c pubspec.yaml
- example:
import './generated/assets.gen.dart';
Now, you can get path icon from folder svg by
- Naming convention:
- name file use snake case
- name class/ variable/ function use camel case
- Common styles
- Declare common color/ textstyle/ dimension... in app_style.dart
- If the styles have just used locally in one screen one time it can be used as hard code
- Declare as constant in ahead of class if multiple use in one screen
- If these styles used multiple screen in one function such as login, put them in login/component/login_styles.dart
- Naming branch
- Develop branch: Dev
- Production branch: main
- features development: feat/name_ID_description
- bug fix: bug/name_ID_description
- hot fix: hotfix/name_ID_description & branch target is main