Releases: KAT-Advanced-Medical/KAM
Version 3.0.4
Requires CBA version 3.18.0 or later and ACE 3 version 3.18.0 or later.
Change Log Summary
- Docs - Adding KAM Wiki Documentation (#564)
- Watch - Add New Watch (#661)
- Airway/Breathing/Vitals - Adds Oxygen Mask for High Altitude Operations (#646)
- Breathing/Circulation - Add Device Monitoring During CPR (#635)
- Chemical - Add JCAD Chemical Detector (#628)
- Chemical/Circulation/Watch - Fix Testing Errors (#665)
- Chemical - Fix Zoning Issues with the JCAD (#662)
- Breathing - Re-add sounds for Breathing/Chemical conditions (#658)
- Chemical - Add missing entries and zones (#650)
- Breathing - Fix OxyMaskList variable and O2 Mask recognition (#654)
- HEMTT - Fix warnings (#653)
- Misc - Fix typo in fnc_carryObject.sqf (#651)
- Vitals - Updates handleOxygenFunction to better handle cardiac arrest and implement perfusion multipliers (#641)
- Main - Update SpO2 macros to be compatible with ACE SpO2 (#639)
- Pharma/Vitals - Fix negative ECP & ECB volumes and o2Sat calculations at low ECB values (#638)
- Vitals - Apply SpO2 Multipliers (#633)
- Breathing/Chemical - Adds Low O2 Warning Tone and Chemical Compatibility (#660)
- Airway/Breathing/Chemical - Add option for intoxication status visibility (#657)
- Chemical - Change Chemical Detector Sound (#659)
- Pharma/Surgery - Tweak open reduction PFH and etomidate time (#648)
- Circulation/GUI - Add ABG Setting (#647)
- Chemical - Improve various aspects (#597)
- Breathing - Add CBA setting to enable/disable Check Breathing medical action (#637)
- Hypothermia - Fix bad interaction condition (#630)
- Compat RHS USF - Add compatibility for stretcher (#663)
- Zeus - Remove unnecessary zeus module (#652)
Version 3.0.4 Release Candidate 2
Requires CBA version 3.18.0 or later and ACE 3 version 3.18.0 or later.
Change Log Summary
- Docs - Adding KAM Wiki Documentation (#564)
- Airway/Breathing/Vitals - Adds Oxygen Mask for High Altitude Operations (#646)
- Breathing/Circulation - Add Device Monitoring During CPR (#635)
- Chemical - Add JCAD Chemical Detector (#628)
- Chemical - Add missing entries and zones (#650)
- Breathing - Fix OxyMaskList variable and O2 Mask recognition (#654)
- HEMTT - Fix warnings (#653)
- Misc - Fix typo in fnc_carryObject.sqf (#651)
- Vitals - Updates handleOxygenFunction to better handle cardiac arrest and implement perfusion multipliers (#641)
- Main - Update SpO2 macros to be compatible with ACE SpO2 (#639)
- Pharma/Vitals - Fix negative ECP & ECB volumes and o2Sat calculations at low ECB values (#638)
- Vitals - Apply SpO2 Multipliers (#633)
- Pharma/Surgery - Tweak open reduction PFH and etomidate time (#648)
- Circulation/GUI - Add ABG Setting (#647)
- Chemical - Improve various aspects (#597)
- Breathing - Add CBA setting to enable/disable Check Breathing medical action (#637)
- Hypothermia - Fix bad interaction condition (#630)
- Zeus - Remove unnecessary zeus module (#652)
Version 3.0.4
Requires CBA version 3.18.0 or later and ACE 3 version 3.18.0 or later.
Change Log Summary
- Airway/Breathing/Vitals - Adds Oxygen Mask for High Altitude Operations (#646)
- Breathing/Circulation - Add Device Monitoring During CPR (#635)
- Chemical - Add JCAD Chemical Detector (#628)
- Vitals - Updates handleOxygenFunction to better handle cardiac arrest and implement perfusion multipliers (#641)
- Main - Update SpO2 macros to be compatible with ACE SpO2 (#639)
- Pharma/Vitals - Fix negative ECP & ECB volumes and o2Sat calculations at low ECB values (#638)
- Vitals - Apply SpO2 Multipliers (#633)
- Circulation/GUI - Add ABG Setting (#647)
- Chemical - Improve various aspects (#597)
- Breathing - Add CBA setting to enable/disable Check Breathing medical action (#637)
- Hypothermia - Fix bad interaction condition (#630)
- Translations - Italian (#645)
Version 3.0.3
Requires CBA version 3.18.0 or later and ACE 3 version 3.18.0 or later..
Change Log Summary
- Watch - NEW WATCH ALERT, ONLY $2499.99!!! (#623)
- Watch - Cosmetic Fixes (#627)
- Feedback - Fix incorrect bool in feedback addon (#626)
- Vitals - Fluid Shift and Recovery Position fixes (#622)
- Breathing - Update PaCO2 stringtable (#624)
- Pharma/Vitals - Fix Opioid Factor SPo2 (#621)
Version 3.0.2
Version 3.0.1
Requires CBA version 3.18.0 or later and ACE 3 version 3.18.0 or later.
Change Log Summary
- General - Fix BOM encoding v2 (#615)
- Misc - Fix bad condition return for fnc_canCheckDogtag.sqf (#616)
- General - Fix BOM Encoding (#614)
- Circulation/Feedback/GUI/Hypothermia/Pharma - 3.0 Hotfix (#611)
Last update to tidy it up
Version 3.0.0
Requires CBA version 3.18.0 or later and ACE 3 version 3.18.0 or later.
Change Log Summary
- General - Implement CBA versioning system (#609)
- Watch - Add KATMIN Exercise Watch (#578)
- Airway/Breathing/Circulation/Hypothermia/Misc - Modifying Vital Calculation, Hypothermia, ABG and pH Rework (#553)
- General - Fix for ace update 3.18 (#608)
- Pharma- Fix Coag sense showing INR as normal when it is not (#598)
- Hypothermia/Pharma/Vitals - Dev Vital Fixes (#605)
- Pharma - Fix Carbonate and reorientation (#603)
- Zeus - Fix changeBloodType (#590)
- Pharma - Fix - Coagsense Location settings (#586)
- Pharma - Improve IV Epinephrine (#585)
- Pharma - Fix missing description of Coag Sense (#607)
- Pharma - Remove old version of changing alpha action (#606)
- Circulation - Fix ETCo2 Monitor (#599)
Version 3.0.0
Requires CBA version 3.16.0 or later and Arma 3 version 2.14 or later.
Change Log Summary
- Watch - Add KATMIN Exercise Watch (#578)
- Airway/Breathing/Circulation/Hypothermia/Misc - Modifying Vital Calculation, Hypothermia, ABG and pH Rework (#553)
- Zeus - Fix changeBloodType (#590)
- Pharma - Fix - Coagsense Location settings (#586)
- Pharma - Improve IV Epinephrine (#585)
- Stretcher - Rework helistretcher to use ace interaction menu (#571)
- Translation - Add|Fix - Coagulation translation/typo (#587)
Version 2.15.1
Requires CBA version 3.16.0 or later and Arma 3 version 2.14 or later.
Change Log Summary
- PHARMA - Add IV epinephrine with stronger effects then autoinjector epi (#568)
- Misc - Fix FAKs not showing up inside vehicles (#580)
- Surgery - Reboa/Surgery Fix (#583)
- Chemical - Fix Zones not working (again) (#582)
- GUI - Fix wrong diplay of qualitative description of the rate of bleeding (#569)
- Surgery - Change EACA and TXA Default Value (#584)
- Surgery - Add settings for REBOA / Pericardial Tap / Ultrasound (#577)
- Pharma - Improve - Coagulation improvements and a fix for phenyl autoinjector (#575)
- Breathing - Fix Pulse Oximeter item description in inventory (#573)
- Pharma - Remove neck tourniquet feature (#567)
- Breathing/Misc - Adjust magazine items to use ace system (#566)
Version 2.15.0
Requires CBA version 3.16.0 or later and Arma 3 version 2.14 or later.
Change Log Summary
- Airway/Breathing/Circulation - Add ETCo2 Monitor (#495)
- Breathing, Pharma - Add model for AAT Kit and fix IV needle model (#524)
- Airway/Breathing/Circulation/Misc/Pharma/Surgery - Add Ultrasound and REBOA Unit + H&Ts + Opioid Relief and Effectivness (#452)
- Surgery - FIX - Lidocaine not removing pain during closed reductions (#562)
- Circulation - Fix AED pads (#561)
- Chemical - Fix chemical zeus module (#551)
- Chemical/Misc/Surgery/Pharma - Fix Hashmap retrieval, inheritance and CWMP issues (#554)
- Pharma - Fix coagulation bug (#544)
- Misc/GUI - Fix error on bandaging (#543)
- Airway/Breathing/Circulation - Fix EtCO2 monitor error when AED attached (#538)
- Pharma - Fix for mislabeled meds (#535)
- Circulation - Fix AED monitor not displaying correct rhythm when dead (#530)
- Circulation - Fix internal bleeding persisting after respawn (#531)
- Surgery - Fix Unconsciousness Required for Surgery setting (#529)
- Chemical - Fix mortar issues (#458)
- Pharma - Heda's Coag Rework (#545)
- Pharma - Adjust magazine items to use ace system (#549)
- Pharma - Modify ace_medical_status_getBloodLoss for alpha action (#512)
- Pharma - Add Max Dose Deviation to morphine and phenylephrine autoinjector (#522)
- Misc - Fix kat_stretcher not supporting CBA XEH (#559)
- Chemical/Misc/Surgery/Pharma - Fix Hashmap retrieval, inheritance and CWMP issues (#557)
- Misc - Fix IFAK unpacking causing crash (#556)
- Pharma - Change KAM Painkillers to CWMP (#548)
- Translations - Add & Improve Portuguese (#563)
- Translations - Spanish (#558)
- Translation - Improve French (not the people) (#547)
- Translation - Improve Japanese (for 2.15) (#509)
- Translations - Add French translation (#537)
- Translations - Update Russian (#536)
- Component - Add Traslation to Spanish (#532)
- Translate - Russian for 2.15 (#521)