this is the the PicTalk software, an attempt to provide an "all in one" software to enable reception and decoding of PicSat telemetry and scientific data.
Current version (as of 21st of Feb 2018) supports SDRPlay RSP1/A and RTLSDR. Funcube is not working properly (frequency management issue) and will be added soon.
This sotware requires Python 3.5 to be installed with the following Python Packages :
- Scipy
- Numpy
- Requets
To have the relevant packages, do:
- sudo apt-get install python3-pip
- pip3 install scipy numpy requests zmq
This application is split in two parts:
- The core Qt C++ program manages the SDR device and extracts the sub-band of interest,
- It scans the RF channel to estimate potential transmission from satellite
- the IQ Samples are sent to the Python code in charge of demodulation and building the KISS AX25 Frame
- The Python code sends back to C++ the decoded frame for local storage and display.
To compile this program you need to check that you have the correct Python installed, and in particular the following packages:
- qt5-default
- libqt5svg5-dev
- qtmultimedia5-dev
- libqt5opengl5-dev
- libusb-1.0-0-dev
- libfftw3-dev
- libczmq-dev
- libhidapi-dev
To have all the required packages : sudo apt-get install libqt5svg5-dev qtmultimedia5-dev libqt5opengl5-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libfftw3-dev libczmq-dev libhidapi-dev
Clone the repository, then from the folder :
git clone Cloning into 'PicTalk'...
- Then cd PicTalk
- generate makefile : qmake
- compile make
the project file is set to support python3.5. If you want to use a specific version, you have to update the following lines in the project file :
- LIBS += $$system("python3.5-config --libs")
- QMAKE_CFLAGS += $$system("python3.5-config --cflags")
- INCLUDEPATH += $$system("python3.5-config --includes |cut -c 3-")
By default the binary is stored in ./bin folder and requires the ./python folder to be present (the python folder contains the frame decoder)
Binary name : ./bin/pictalk
It will create a folder named "pictalk" in your home. This folder contains several files, and in particular the pictalkframes.txt that will contain all the decoded PicSat frames.
For more information, please visit